AMIF-044-077: Biometric’s Park modernization DVZOE

Code: AMIF-044-077

Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025

Budget: €706,038.55 (€529,528.92 by AMIF & €176,509.64 by the national budget)


Context & objectives


External partners frequently require a result from Printrak/Eurodac for individuals for whom the the Immigration Office did not take the fingerprints. These fingerprints were mostly taken by the Police Services and transferred to the Biometric Identification Service (BIS). In order to perform the verification of these fingerprints on Printrak and/or Eurodac, an easier transfer of fingerprints from BIS to Printrak needs to be realised.  In a second phase, the search on Printrak and Eurodac will be automated. To meet all these needs, the service needs to expand its biometric infrastructure.


  • Printrak Eurodac applications for external partners of the Immigration Office are being further automated. In the ongoing Gateway project, a connection is being established between Printrak's fingerprint system and that of the Federal Police. Further automation of this exchange is envisaged in the follow-up project.
  • Be able to process a higher volume of applications in the short term, both for applicants for international protection and for persons who are illegally in the country.
  • The legally provided retention periods and criteria for the destruction of biometric personal data are technically enforced and followed. Only authorised information can technically be provided to external partners.


The achievement of these objectives requires the implementation of various actions. This requires the recruitment of a level A (Project Manager) for the elements below:

  • When the gateway is introduced, workflows are adapted to the new automated process.
  • The quality control process within this automated work process is being redesigned.
  • The company from which we currently purchase is being asked to modify the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) to provide for the automatic deletion of biometric data after the statutory retention period. This process will replace the current manual process.