Code: AMIF-046-078
Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024
Budget: € 1,146,889.91 (€ 860,167.43 by AMIF & € 286,722.48 by the national budget)
Context & objectives
The International Protection Department is responsible for organising all aspects legally assigned to the Belgian Immigration Office (DVZOE) in the context of international protection. One of its responsibilities is to provide an accessible, reliable and transparent environment for its clients.
Since 2018, the registration of applicants for international protection has taken place at the "Little Castle / Petit-Château" Registration Centre. The location of the Application Centre was specially chosen so that Fedasil could meet reception needs immediately after registration by DVZ.
In August 2022, the Registration cell of the DVZ was forced to move from the Registration Centre "Klein Kasteeltje / Petit-Château" to the Pacheco building. This is a temporary location.
In each case, the Immigration Department moved into an existing building and thus had to adapt to the infrastructure. The Immigration Department wishes to relocate its 'Registration Cell' to have an adapted working environment for its staff, who are often put to the test, and for its applicants, who are entitled to an adapted structure that meets their different needs.
Furthermore, in his general policy statement, the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration expresses the desire to move the Application Centre to a more suitable location and continue the harmonious cooperation between DVZOE and Fedasil.
To achieve the objective of better adapted infrastructure, several actions will be implemented:
- Working with the Régie des Bâtiments (RDB) to identify eligible sites to house the cell registration;
- Development of a needs analysis for both DVZ and Fedasil;
- Develop a service implementation plan based on the needs analysis, taking into account the safety and welfare of staff and customers;
- Set up counters adapted to the types of registrations (standard procedure, vulnerable, Printrak,...) with even more attention to security and confidentiality;
- Review and improve existing processes;
- Formalise these revisions in an official document.
Achieving these objectives requires the implementation of several actions:
- Data collection regarding issues of vulnerable groups at the level of DVZOE;
- Update and develop adapted instructions, training and other tools with a view to the earliest possible detection of vulnerabilities and special procedural needs in the international protection procedure;
- Creating a network of contacts and formalising cooperation with partners in the asylum and reception chain regarding the target group;
- Development of brochures and/or other tools aimed at providing information tailored to the intended target groups.
Achieving these objectives requires the recruitment of the required staff.
(Version 11 April 2024)