Code: AMIF-047-079
Project duration : 01/07/2022 - 31/12/2024
Budget : € 868,667.07 (€ 868,667.07 by AMIF, € 0 by national budget)
Context & objectives
Belgium must provide statistics on international protection (including the "Dublin" Regulation) (in particular Regulation (EC) 862/2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection, Regulation (EU) 2020/851 amending Regulation (EC) 862/2007, Regulation (EU) 439/2010 establishing a European Asylum Support Office, and Regulation (EU) 2016/1624 on the European Border and Coast Guard...).
In this framework, the improvement of statistical production should make it possible to better grasp the migration conjuncture and ensure better monitoring of the application of migration legislation and the activity of migration services, that is, to allow, on the basis of objective data, an efficient management of migration flows, in accordance with the Union acquis.
At the European level, on the one hand, this is one of the objectives of the AMIF (Art. 3.1).
On the other hand, at the national level, it is a priority under the policy pursued by the new Secretary of State: " Because a good migration policy is based on facts, the Immigration Office ensures comprehensive and transparent reporting" (excerpt from the coalition agreement concluded in 2020 regarding asylum and migration).
In order to meet this statistical demand, the Belgian Immigration Office aims to strengthen the capacity of its Statistics Unit so that it is able to meet statistical questions on international protection.
Regarding international protection and removal, the Belgian Immigration Office intends to focus its efforts on the production of the following statistics, to meet a aforementioned European obligation (mainly Eurostat, EASO, Frontex):
International Protection:
(1) General
- Registration/Presentation of applications
- Submission of applications (total, initial and subsequent)
- Applications still being processed
- Cases in which applications are waived
- Support to the Council for Immigration Disputes for decisions on appeals
(2) Application of the Dublin III Regulation
- Incoming and outgoing applications (normal, information and re-examination)
- Decisions (normal, information, re-examination and unilateral)
- Transfers
- Applications awaiting decision
- Decisions awaiting transfer
To strengthen its statistical capacity, the Belgian Immigration Office intends to recruit specialists in charge of:
- Participating in the development of the data warehouse (DWH) to be integrated into the new database of the Immigration Office (eMigration, formerly called Evibel NG).
- Consulting this DWH in order to extract and process the data that make it possible to meet European statistical queries.
- Analysing and proposing the data extracted from the DWH, in order to disseminate them and satisfy the European statistical questions.
The following precise activities are envisaged for the development of the DWH:
- The preparation of analyses regarding the desired functions and general characteristics of the DWH.
- The preparation of analyses of detailed statistical needs by subject area, mainly to specify the needs of the ICT staff in charge of developing and maintaining the DWH (by way of supplementing the analyses already in place).
- The support of legal experts, to obtain the authorisations to access the external data sources, if the authorisation has not yet been validated, and, in certain cases, to modify the structure of the information contained in certain external sources (e.g. National Register).
- The validation of the technical solutions proposed by the ICT service.
- The validation of the data in the DWH.
The precise activities foreseen for the consultation of the DWH mainly consist of the preparation of SAS procedures (the statistical software used by the STAT Cell) aimed at extracting and processing the data from the DWH, in order to comply with the specifications of European requests.
The precise activities envisaged for analysing and disseminating the data extracted from the DWH consist mainly of the formatting, validation and forwarding/dissemination of the data (mainly for the European authorities).
Sufficient staff should be recruited to carry out these activities.
(Version 14 November 2023)