AMIF-050-084 : Voluntary return coaching as an alternative to detention

Code: AMIF-050-054

Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Budget : € 1,717,110.09 (€ 1,287,832.57 by AMIF & € 429,277.52 by the national budget)

Context and objectives

The return coaching seeks to meet the demand from politicians, civil society and the EU for more work on alternatives to detention in order to avoid unnecessary detention of certain categories of foreigners before a return decision is enforced.

Follow-up in an Open Return Place (OTP)

By focusing on voluntary return from the reception network through the durable coaching and support of the foreign national in his return process, persons can be induced to return. The next step should be to move to another alternative, such as a house arrest.

Unsuccessful applicants for international protection, foreigners for whom a transfer under the Dublin procedure needs to be arranged, as well as irregularly staying families are assigned to an open return location (OTP) from where the return is prepared by Fedasil. Belgian Immigration Office liaison officers are present two times a week. In consultation with the centre the number of attendances can be increased.


  1. Evaluation of current practice with a view to further expansion, refinement and higher outcome.
  2. Intensive coaching with the same message by all actors involved is necessary. Cooperation and information sharing should be improved. Upon arrival in the reception network, coaching is provided and information on return is given.
  3. Strengthening the cooperation between the different actors.

(Version 11 April 2024)