Code: AMIF-053-080
Project duration: 01/07/2022-31/12/2024
Budget: € 2,500,000 (€ 1,875,000 by AMIF & € 625,000 by national budget)
Context & objectives
Simultaneously with the development of the eMigration Backbone funded by the relance fund, we want to realise the new application landscape of the International Protection Department. This project will be realised in parallel with the eMigration CIR (centralisation of identity data) project, to confront centralised identity management with the reality of a business module. The eMigration DPI project thus aims to provide an answer to a number of organisational and technical functional problems for a selection of internal services of the International Protection Department:
Identity management
The identity search in the various databases is difficult. The enrichment of the selected profiles with structured data is slow and not very efficient. The operator loses an enormous amount of time gathering information on an applicant's history and family context. The absence of automatic and systematic checks during the creation and/or modification of an identity contributes to this problem. This leads to a lot of errors and duplication of work.
Information management
The exchanges between the internal services of the International Protection Department and/or the external partners take place through carriers that are not very standardised and channels that are not very efficient (letter, mail, telephone, oral).
Data relating to international protection files are disparate and unstructured, and the degree of precision varies from department to department. The AVG is partially respected. Biometrics are not always systematically used.
Service quality
The high number of errors and unstructured data in the files mean that the quality of service can be improved (responses, decisions...). Processing times are on average too long or do not respect the legal deadlines.
Reception logistics
The layout of rooms and the small size of desks means that registration of applicants and families are uncertain and not very smooth. Telecom and IT infrastructures are unstable and in need for improvement. The study of the root causes of these dysfunctions will make it possible to determine the main objectives to be achieved.
(version 4th of march 2024)