AMIF-055-081: eMigration Legal Migration

Code: AMIF-055-081

Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Budget: € 1,926,000.00 (€ 1,444,500.00 through AMIF & € 481,500.00 through the national budget)


With this project, we want to realise the development of the new application landscape of the Access and Residence service, which manages all legal migration to Belgium. The idea is to set this up within the new Internal Portal. It includes the services for short stay, long stay, family reunification and support for external partners. These different services work with and depend on external partners: FPS Foreign Affairs (embassies and consulates), FPS Justice (public prosecutors' offices), the Regions (combined permit), the municipalities, the National Register, Council for Immigration Disputes (RVV), OCAD, etc.

Both within the services of the Belgian Immigration Office (DVZ) and between the DVZ and its external partners, there are a lot of information and communication flows for processing files. We note that these processes do not always run as they should. There are often problems with information security, handling within the legal deadlines and the status at any given time of the files for example. There is also significant use of paper and non-automated follow-up of the processing of applications and elements related to identity management (CIR).

Reason for existence of the project: a project is being set up to meet the problems described and ultimately to fine-tune the information and communication flows. The focus is also on the needs of case handlers at the Belgian Immigration Office. We want to provide them with working tools that allow them to do their work in an efficient and user-friendly way. We are thinking in particular of improving communication as a fundamental need of the end users.


  • Increase efficiency by creating a shared, centralised and structured picture of the applicant for all access and accommodation services.
  • Paperless working (elimination of paper files, internal e-mail, storage of low-value-added documents, etc.).
  • Better quality information by clearing duplicate information and better control over identity creation.
  • Reliable identification and management of the individual.
  • Keeping history of the individual's records to easily reconstruct his or her past.

Project methodology

The project proceeds through a number of phases. It starts with an analysis phase in which the requirements (business, functional, technical) are clarified. Internally, we talk about the MVRP (minimal viable requirements package) process. This MVRP trajectory is embedded in a deliverable-based approach to project management. This is a roadmap in which a project is divided into a series of deliverables (business analysis, GAP analysis, functional analysis, change management plan, solution architecture,...). It allows the project manager to shape his project without forgetting essential elements.

Specifically for this project we are starting to set up an analysis process in which contact will be made with the (external) partners to sound out bottlenecks/improvements (communication, information exchange, etc.) regarding the relevant files between the DVZ and the external parties. This should result in a development roadmap.

The business modules we want to develop (roadmap) will be linked to the eMigration Backbone.

(Version 11th of June 2024)