AMIF-056-082: Integrated Information platform - SBE

Code: AMIF-056-082

Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Budget: € 266,666.00 (€ 199,999.50 via AMIF & € 66,666.50 via the national budget)


This project aims to support and guide the Study Bureau in the need for coherent and efficient information management. The project includes structuring the information the Study Bureau has, transferring it to SharePoint, parameterising/developing SharePoint to manage/access the information correctly and training/supporting the Study Bureau in managing the existing and new information in SharePoint. This will enable quick and efficient retrieval of necessary legal information and background where needed, thus leading to improved service delivery.

The many developments in the field of legal migration (single permit, Brexit, family reunification...) bring the necessary challenges in terms of cooperation and knowledge sharing. There is an increasing need for knowledge sharing with the various partners in the field in order to provide the same level of quality.

The Study Bureau has a coordinating (and transversal) task regarding legal knowledge management and knowledge sharing with the many partners (the Immigration Department's implementation services, political authorities, municipalities and cities, the Communities and Regions, the police services, European partners, employers, etc.) working in the field of (legal) migration. Because the Study Bureau is competent for almost every aspect of migration issues (legal migration, asylum, border control, return, free movement, etc.) and is thereby consulted by very diverse partners, there is a great need for optimised centralisation of the available knowledge. The aim is for this to be accessible in a fast and efficient way to each of the partners in the field, and to be able to be updated to constantly changing regulations and circumstances.

The Belgian Immigration Office has a document management system (SharePoint) and could be used to meet the need for better knowledge sharing. The challenge for the Study Bureau is to transfer, logically structure and manage the multitude of information, case law, training material, etc. to SharePoint, but also to make all this information accessible and available to partners. This requires specialised information management and technical knowledge of SharePoint.


  • Personnel policy: by centralising knowledge, staff changes will have a lesser impact. This will result in better continuity and new employees will be able to be trained more effectively because all existing information will be available in a well-organised way for each of the areas concerned.
  • Creating time savings: regulatory changes and business fluctuations can be integrated faster because pre-existing knowledge can be easily reused and updated.
  • Increasing transparency: an adapted and transversal platform allows information to be made available to all users and opens up the possibility of dialogue with practitioners. The needs of our various partners will be able to be better answered because data will be deployed more performantly. This increases the overall efficiency for the operation of our partners and implementation services.
  • More dynamic collaboration with partners: the multifocal support allows for more dynamic collaboration. Because each tool on the platform will be autonomously agile, an update or modification will additionally be less interruptive to the entire business process, which will experience more stability and flexibility.
  • More proactive monitoring of European developments: there will be a more proactive engagement with the various European evolutions and needs regarding legal migration.

Achieving these objectives requires the following actions:

  • Recruit an (external) business analyst/information manager to guide the Study Bureau in mapping the needs, the information and knowledge data already present and, in addition, to set up and propose an information structure within Sharepoint. This specialist will supervise the project from the beginning to the end (its evaluation). He/she is also responsible for the continuous monitoring and updating of the platform by the central team within the DVZ but also by the users themselves.
  • Hiring a SharePoint developer: based on the business analyst's analysis, an information platform will be built within SharePoint to meet the needs of the Study Bureau.

(Version 11 June 2024)