Code : AMIF-058-085
Project duration : 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024
Budget : € 2,165,385.36 (€ 1,624,037.52 by AMIF & € 541,345.84 by the national budget)
Context and objectives
By optimising access to the right to a hearing, obtaining a better assessment of the personal situation of the foreigner (who is subjected to a negative decision by the Immigration Office). In this way, all elements à charge and à décharge can be taken into account and a clear evaluation of Articles 3 and 8 ECHR can be added to the decision.
In order to comply with the additional legal requirements concerning motivation of return decisions, more specifically in the context of the evaluation of art.3 ECHR and in the context of files that require a lot of motivation (such as terrorism files), a small specialised cell was created within the CID (Identification Service), consisting of level A's (see project Supporting Return).
In addition, additional return supervisors for the Detained Identification Service (DID) should also be recruited in order to organise more and better interviews for detainees under the right to be heard. This is both for the purpose of taking return decisions, entry bans, and decisions to terminate residence.
- Increasing the protection of migrants' rights.
- The support of identification processes.
- The increase in the quality of decisions.
To ask targeted questions to foreigners in the context of the right to be heard, taking into account their specific context, nationality and profile.
- Increasing and optimising interviews within the framework of “the right to be heard”.
- Increasing the quality of these interviews.
(Version 11 April 2024)