Code : AMIF-071-092
Project duration : 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025
Budget : € 1,208,586.06 (€ 906,439.55 by AMIF, € 302,146.52 by the national budget).
Context and objectives
In forced return processes, there is a need for additional support in the following areas:
- The support of identification processes, possibly with technical means of communication, and relations with embassies;
- The reception of vulnerable groups during detention and reintegration after return;
- The relations with countries of origin in the field of identification and return;
- The monitoring of sensitive forced return operations.
The overall objective is to increase return and ensure it takes place in humane conditions through targeted support of certain return processes.
Specific objective 1: Identification and return support.
- Support cooperation with authorities of countries of origin;
- Support through technical assistance.
Specific objective 2: Support vulnerable persons and monitoring.
- Support during reception;
- Support through counseling and reintegration;
- Post-return monitoring.
(Version 5th of March)