Code: AMIF-072-098
Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025
Budget: €2,334,079.34 (€1,750,559.51 via AMIF & €583,519.84 via the national budget)
Context & objectives
The 'Integrated Return Infrastructure Plan' (GIT) approved by the government on 25/02/22 includes capacity expansion of the closed centres to meet current needs.
Regarding the follow-up of 'Orders to leave the territory' issued, Belgium does not have good results. The Schengen Evaluation also reiterates this each time in its recommendations (2015 and 2020). The implementation of the GIT is one of the action points Belgium included to meet the recommendations in this evaluation. Without this infrastructure, the proposed return policy will be difficult to achieve.
It is also very important to focus on infrastructure that humanises the return policy and takes into account modern needs regarding privacy, use of internet, etc. A good, adapted and pleasant infrastructure will have a great impact on the well-being of the foreigner being detained. Its impact on aggression management should not be underestimated.
The expansion of the number of residential units ensures better regional distribution of this alternative to detention for families with minor children. Moreover, it will also make it possible to meet an important demand from civil society, namely that children can - to the extent possible - continue to attend school in the educational institutions they were attending before being accommodated in the residential units and this while waiting to organise the return of the families concerned. It is also perfectly in line with the ICAM counselling of the families: if a family does not wish to resort to an individual counselling programme through ICAM, they can switch to counselling through the residential units.
Installing regional ICAM (Individual Case Management) offices also gives the advantage that strong focus can be placed on sustainable and effective coaching towards tailor-made return and that the foreigner (both individuals and families) can be assisted in a low-threshold manner and in close proximity to their place of residence.
The construction of centres, renovation and expansion of infrastructure (residential units, meeting rooms for ICAM coaches) of DVZOE imply a more specialised follow-up and management, a well performing coordination and the introduction of new (necessary) initiatives and opportunities. Therefore, this project aims to develop staff who will be specialised in this management of infrastructure.
- Three A-level officials are planned for supervising the construction of new detention centres and managing the existing infrastructure.
- Two A-level staff are planned for the FITT residential units, on the one hand, and the implementation and supervision of services related to alternatives to detention (ATD), on the other.
- Finally, for coordination and management of the project, follow-up of procedures and administrative follow-up, one level A official and one administrative assistant (level C) are provided.
I. Closed Centres
The management of the closed centres in the broadest sense of the word implies that, in addition to infrastructural interventions, the ICT network and the purchasing policy (furniture, fitness equipment, outdoor equipment, etc.) need to be closely monitored.
The GIT provides for the construction of four new closed centres, specifically:
- Short-stay Departure Centre in Steenokkerzeel: In order to better accommodate the movements associated with forced returns in a more humane, more comfortable and safer manner, and to better accommodate persons who can be repatriated quickly (in possession of a valid travel document), a Departure Centre with space for 50 persons will be set up in Steenokkerzeel, close to the airport.
- Centre for Illegals Charleroi in Jumet: Expanding capacity by 200 residents. The infrastructure will be designed with more attention to internal freedom and privacy, media access, internet and ample leisure facilities.
- Centre for Illegals Antwerp in Zandvliet: The expansion of capacity by 144 places. The infrastructure will also be designed with more attention to internal freedom and privacy, access to the media, internet and ample leisure facilities.
- Replacement of the Centre for Illegals Bruges (CIB) with the Centre for Illegals in Jabbeke (CIJ): the CIB is outdated and not sufficiently adapted to current needs. It will be replaced by the CIJ. The CIJ will be a modern centre (capacity 112) with ample leisure facilities, more privacy and more internet access. This is a project to improve living conditions.
II. Alternatives to Detention
As part of a high-performance coaching policy, the necessary infrastructure must be provided to enable ICAM coaches to conduct coaching calls discreetly and in the short term. The ATD department is currently searching for call rooms, spread across the Belgian territory, for 85 ICAM coaches. It is important for ICAM coaches to have a physical presence in the major cities and central towns at various locations. To this end, regional contact points will be set up in all provinces to provide this orientation and guidance towards a sustainable future perspective, close to the people. Given the need for optimal regional distribution, existing buildings (preferably property of government departments) should be sought where the contact points can be embedded in the existing infrastructure.
III. Residential units
The aim is to double the number of residential units in the coming years (from 28 to 56), spread over 9 sites (currently 5 sites: Zulte, Tubize, Sint-Gillis-Waas, Tielt and Beauvechain). Additional residential units are being created on the existing sites through renovations. The extension to the 4 additional sites (Berlare, Châtelet, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Herstal) has already been validated by the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration and agreements in principle have been made with the Public Buildings Administration (Regie Der Gebouwen in Dutch). The houses on the additional sites all need to be renovated, partly on the Regie Der Gebouwen its budget, partly on the budget of the Belgian Immigration Office. In addition, renovation works for the housing units on the existing sites must be carried out. In addition to the renovation works, the new sites must be furnished and some of the facilities on the existing sites must be renewed or adapted. Given the specificity of each site, close monitoring by specialised staff is necessary.
(Version 21 July 2024)