BMVI-038 : EU Message Broker Staff & BMVI-039 : EU Message Broker Subcontracting

Code : BMVI-038

Project duration : 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Budget : € 2,100,000.00 (€ 2,100,000.00 by BMVI)

Code: BMVI-039

Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Budget : € 4,400,000.00 ( € 3,300,000.00 by BMVI & € 1,100,000.00 by the national budget)

Context and objectives

Interoperability is the culmination of the wider Smart Borders project which links the various information systems that manages the access to the EU territory. The Smart Borders project also provides for an individual upgrade of existing systems such as SIS II (Schengen Information System), VIS (Visa Information System) and EURODAC. The creation of new databases, more specifically EES (Entry Exit; registration of all third-country nationals entering and leaving the EU), ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System; prior travel authorisation system for third-country nationals) and ECRIS-TCN (Criminal Register of Third-Country Nationals) will also be essential.

Interoperability will link all these systems together, by creating:

  • a European search portal (an interface allowing the different systems to be searched together)
  • a common "Biometric matching system", which checks the biometric data in the different systems
  • a common "Identity Repository", containing all biographical and biometric data of third-country nationals in different systems
  • a "Multiple Identity Detector", which detects persons with multiple identities based on the different data

The implementation of the Smart Borders project is both a responsibility of the Commission, European Agencies, Member States and the local authorities.

Role of the General Direction Digital Innovation & Solutions of SPF Home Affairs (AD DIO IBZ in Dutch)

According to the agreements made with the other Belgian stakeholders, the AD DIO is responsible for the technical coordination of the interoperability programme at national level, as the Message Broker (which was developed for VIS and is now also being extended to EES and ETIAS) is ideally suited to efficiently integrate the interoperability components (ESP, sBMS, CIR, CRRS and MID) into the Belgian national architecture.

(Version 5th of March 2024)