There are costs involved in arranging a return and staying in a detention centre or family unit. The amount of these costs depends, among other things, on the length of the stay at the centre and whether the person leaves the centre with or without a police escort. In the event of forced return, the costs of medical care, the costs of staying in a family unit/a detention centre and the costs of the flight must be paid. The costs are recovered on a case-by-case basis from:
- the foreign national in question
- the guarantor
- the employer - in cases of undeclared work
- the carrier
If you want to return to Belgium after a forced return and you are subject to the visa requirement, you will first have to pay the return costs (excluding D visas for family reunification, as in these cases, payment of the costs is not a prerequisite for issuing the visa and the visa will be issued without payment of the costs. They will be recovered later.). If you do not need a visa to enter Belgium, the costs will be recovered once you are in Belgium.