The procedure runs in parallel with that of adult applicants. Young people are interviewed by a specialised team that has received additional training in conducting interviews with minors. Furthermore, the guardian, as legal representative, is required to accompany  his pupil during the interview at the IO.

After the guardian has been appointed, they are contacted by e-mail to make an appointment for the interview. The guardian is  requested to present himself with  his pupil at Pacheco: Boulevard Pacheco 44 (Cube), 1000 Brussels. For practical reasons, two pupils of the same guardian may be invited on the same day and at the same time. However, the two interviews will not be conducted simultaneously. Instead, the aim is to perform the second pupil's interview immediately after the first pupil's interview.

If the UFM has submitted an application for international protection at the same time as his family members, the family members will, in principle, be convocated on the same day as the UFM. This way, the files of family members can be kept together.

It is important for the UFM to tell their own story; the guardian can provide additional information upon request or at the end of the interview.

The language in which the minor is interviewed may be changed. In this case, the guardian is asked to make the request as soon as possible and before the interview, to the e-mail address asylum.minors [at] ().

What should the guardian and his pupil bring on the day of the interview?

  • The UFM's identity documents (originals, copies, scans, photo)
  • Documents proving the fears of the person concerned in case of a return to their country of origin
  • Annex 26(quinquies). Please note: the file will not be sent to the CGRS if the original copy of the Annex 26(quinquies) or a duplicate is not submitted. In the case of loss or theft of the Annex 26(quinquies), a report of lost or stolen documents must be made to the police. The guardian will then send an email to make an appointment. The young person will have to attend on the agreed day with the loss/theft report to obtain a duplicate of the Annex 26(quinquies).

Contact: asylum.minors [at] ()