Registration of an application for international protection for an unaccompanied foreign minor (UFM)

The registration of an application for international protection for a UFM is carried out in parallel with the registration procedure for adults.

The presence of each UFM on Belgian territory must be reported to the Guardianship Service using a reporting form. Any authority (police, municipality, youth welfare service), but also a lawyer or private person can make this report. The UFM can also go to the Guardianship Service spontaneously to report their presence on Belgian territory. The Guardianship Service identifies the young person and if they meet the requirements, a guardian is appointed.

If the young person has not yet been reported to the Guardianship Service, or if the IO feels that the reporting form is incomplete, the IO will prepare a (new) reporting form when the application is registered and, if necessary, report the young person to the Guardianship  Service.

This form should contain several essential pieces of information about the young person (family members in the country of origin and/or in Europe, travel route,  flight motives, etc.). However, doubts about their status as a minor may be raised at this time. The young person will be informed of these doubts. Consequently, the Guardianship Service will arrange a medical test, which will consist of an X-ray examination of the wrist, teeth and collarbone, and, after receiving the results of the test, will decide whether the young person qualifies as an UFM. The Guardianship Service will then inform the Immigration Office of this decision.

Procedure to be followed when a guardian has already been appointed

Where a guardian has already been appointed and the pupil has not yet applied for international protection, the guardian may decide to do so. The guardian may also make a subsequent application for international protection for his  pupil.

In order for the registration process to run as smoothly as possible, an appointment must be made.

To do this, the guardian must propose an date for appointment by e-mail to asylum.minors [at] , specifying the pupil's identity and file number.

The guardian must be present when registering the application for international protection.

It is important that the minor brings all their identity documents to this appointment.