Visa Free Residence permits delivered by other Schengen Member States

List of Residence permits delivered by Schengen Member States

First, check the document “General Principles” of this website.

On the website of the EU, under the section “Related Documents”, you can find the current list of Residence Permits issued by member states.

Note concerning Residence Permits delivered by Cyprus and Ireland: these residence permits in principle don’t have any (visa-free) value for the Schengen area. There are only a limited number of exceptions. Do verify the section “Residence Permits delivered by Cyprus and Ireland” fur detailed information.

Note concerning Residence Permits issued by France, the following documents are not mentioned on the above website of the EU. Therefore, these documents don’t have any (visa-free) value for travelling to the Schengen area:

  1. Récépissé de demande de carte de séjour - a demandé la délivrance d'un premier titre de séjour
  2. Récépissé de demande de carte de séjour - a demandé le duplicata de son titre de séjour
  3. Récépissé de demande de carte de séjour - a demandé la modification de son titre de séjour
  4. Attestation de prolongation d’instruction d’une demande de renouvellement de titre de séjour. This is also the case if the person is in possession of a expired residence card or expired D visa
  5. Clarification concerning the document Récépissés de renouvellement de demande de titre de séjour  (Receipts for a renewed application for a resident permit, together with the expired residence permit or an expired type-D long-stay visa, valid for a period of between 4 and 12 months (excluding type-D visas marked ‘Dispense temporaire de carte de séjour’ (‘Temporarily exempt from residence permit’)) 
    In order to be accepted, all of the following 4 conditions must be fulfilled :
    • This document has the title “Récépissé de demande de carte de séjour”
    • On the left hand side of this document, under the identity of the person, the text hast to start with “ «A demandé le renouvellement de son titre de séjour dont la validité expire le DD/MM/YYYY »
    • The text continues with “« Ce récépissé n’est valable qu’accompagné de ce titre… » :
      • If the person travels with an expired D-visa: the visa sticker number is not mentioned in this text. In this case, the text states : “«Ce récépissé n’est valable qu’accompagné de ce titre (Visa de long séjour valant T.S.) »;
      • If the person travels with an expired French residence card, the text states: «Ce récépissé n’est valable qu’accompagné de ce titre de séjour nr. ……..».  This exact number must be printed on the residence card which the person has in his/her possession.
    • The maximum validity date of this document has to be respected, this date is found on the bottom of the page on the right hand side: “Valable jusqu’au DD/MM/YYYY”